123: How to nourish cities through conscious food production and circularity? (guest: Enlai Hooi – Head of Innovation at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects)

Welcome to the first episode of the year and 4th season of Urbcast!

I am concerned about the climate crisis or rather climate collapse and how it impacts our cities. My goal is to find ways to prepare for the challenges ahead and to be more mindful of our consumption habits. Together with my guests, will explore ways to make our cities more adaptable in the face of the climate crisis. This is why in this week’s episode in English, we will talk about: How to nourish cities through conscious food production and circularity? ?

Why should we talk about it?

The scarcity of goods and resources becomes a worldwide problem for cities. Especially if it comes to food, which we tend to waste too much. Let’s find out how to live and design more consciously, including the idea of reusing—circularity.

My guest today is Enlai Hooi – Head of Innovation at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, working passionately with circularity and recently conscious food production. According to Enlai’s philosophy, waste as a term should not exist. And densely populated areas have still a lot to offer. They can provide us with possibilities to produce food and re-use existing resources, including buildings.

Some of the topics we touched upon:

  • How can we design without harming the planet?
  • How to re-evaluate what nutrients mean for our cities?
  • How to unlock the space for food production within (dense) cities?
  • How to close the loop of resources in cities?

Book recommendations:

?The Overstory by Richard Powers

But we also recommend having a look at:

? Sitopia by Carolyn Steel

? 500 years of Urban Farming in Denmark: Past Experiences & Future Prospects by Paul Rye Kledal

You get to know more about the guest:

You can listen to the episode at: urbcast.pl/en

You will find more useful links at: https://linktr.ee/urbcast

Music: spear_oh