Welcome to the newest episode, in which we will discuss: How to connect urban professionals worldwide? ?
What is the power of networking withing architecture, design, and urbanism field?
??? should we talk about it? As it is a big challenge to start your career as an architect, designer or urban planner.
But luckily, we have the support of community based networks that empower the young (and not only) designers to develop their careers. All Things Urban — is the largest community-based career platform for urban professionals working on city challenges worldwide.
And today I am talking to CEO & Co-Founder at All Things Urban — Anastasia Sukhoroslova, who is also freelance PR consultant and knows a lot about the networking in urbanism and architecture.
We discuss:
✔️ the main story and ideas behind the ATU network
✔️ why is it worth to join the network?
✔️ who is ATU addressing?
✔️ what was Covid-19’s influence on the architecture market?
✔️ what is the power of networking within the field?
✔️ as well as, we share some useful advice on how to find an internship or a job!
What are your thoughts on starting your career in the architecture/urbanism market?
Anastasia’s book recommendation:
How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere by Larry King
Anastasia’s social media:
All Things Urban social media: