Urbcast - a podcast about cities
Urbcast is an unique bilingual podcast about cities, urbanism, urban planning, architecture and much more. Every second Wednesday you will hear interviews with various guests and my observations regarding cities, urban design, architecture or living in the Scandinavian capital of design—Copenhagen.
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Let’s talk about cities, urbanism, architecture and urban planning

My podcast is an outcome of pure passion and a need to talk about cities. With time and new conversations, I realized how much we need an interdisciplinary approach when we talk about designing our cities. My goal is to present to you a variety of different topics in urbanism in a way that is accessible. In the podcast, I introduce a case, problem or challenge by talking to various experts within those fields.
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Meet Your Host

Business Development Coordinator, Urbanist and Podcaster
A graduate of Urban Planning at the University of Warsaw. He completed his Master’s degree in Architecture with specialization in Sustainable Urban Design at Swedish University of Lund. He has gained design experience in Danish architectural studios and currently works as Business Development Coordinator at Henning Larsen Architects. He is a co-founder of the international design collective Urban10, where he designs and popularizes the Scandinavian approach to design.
He has lived in Scandinavia for six years, and for three years in Copenhagen, its capital of design and architecture. He loves meeting people and talking to them, and in the podcast he shares his greatest passion: cities, urban planning and architecture.
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